


Ted Talk:


Ph.D. in Humanities with concentration in Transformative Learning and Change
California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, 2007

M.A. in Cinema Studies
San Francisco State University, 2001

B.A. in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Art with concentration in
Radio and Television
San Francisco State University, 1987

Canvas, Zoom, Blackboard, Brightspace, E-College, Sakai

Interdisciplinary Studies, AI & Digital Humanities, Human Development in the 21 st Century,
Leadership Studies, Higher Education Philosophy and Leadership, Intersectionality, Global
studies, Experiential & Transformative Learning, Philosophy of Technology, Media and
Social Justice, Ethics, Diversity, Social Justice, Humanities, Philosophy & Psychology of Art ,
, Film & Media Studies, Film History, Critical Pedagogy, Curriculum Design, Qualitative
Research Methods, Digital Communication Theory, Mass Communications, Multimedia
Journalism, Critical Thinking and Writing, Visual Culture, Global Cultural Studies

Teaching Experience

Faculty, University of California Berkeley, OLLI:
The Paradox of Being Human in the Age of AI (Fall 2024)

Senior Lecturer and Dissertation Chair, Doctor of Education in Educational and Professional Practice, Antioch University:
EDU 7100 Social, Philosophical and Historical Contexts of Education, EDU 7320: Foundations of Transdisciplinary Inquiry, SCC 5042 New Media and Social Justice, EDU 8140 Multicultural & Anti-Racist education, EDU 8000’s K-12 and Beyond Leadership, K-12 AI & Media Literacy, EDU 8250 Social Justice Leadership II, EDU 8800, EDU 8802 Pro Seminar I & II
(September 2020 – present)

Senior Lecturer, Individual Master of Arts Program, Antioch University:
SCC 5042 New Media and Social Justice, Independent Studies, HUM 6200’s AI, Media & Ideology, Philosophical Foundations in Humanities, Ottoman Harem in Television, Al Farrabi’s Political Philosophy, Discourses on Social Media, Intersection of Arts and Social Media, Anti-Racist Discourses in Politics, Leadership in the 21st Century (September 2020 – present)

Faculty, Continuing Education, Antioch University:
AI Ethics, The Paradox of Being Human in the Digital Age: Exploring the Impact of AI, AI and the Workplace
(August 2024- present)

Research Fellow, FHDA Applied Center for Humanities:
Ethics Research: Researching the intersection of technology with the Humanities and presenting to the academic community and public at large
(September 2020 – present) 

Professor, The Fromm Institute, University of San Francisco:
Lectures in Humanities & Technology, Ex Machina: The Paradox of Being Human in the Digital Age, Social Media and Our Soul, Is Big Tech Ruining the World: Neoliberalism, Democracy & the Tech Industry, Story of California from the Gold Rush to High Tech, World Myths in Literature, Arts & Film   
(September 2019 – present)

Adjunct Faculty (online), Liberal Studies, University of Massachusetts Global:
Online – COMU 300: Communications and Media: Challenges and Opportunities, COMU 315: Intercultural Communication, COMU 360: Methods and Theories of Persuasion, COMU 365: Multimedia Journalism,

COMU 375:  Media Ethics, COMU 485: Communication & Media Capstone, ENGU 348: Writing and Producing for New Media in the Twenty-first Century, HUMU 250: Humanities in a Digital Culture, HUMU 345: Art, Media Technology and Culture, HUMU 347: Literature and Film
(October 2011 – present)

Adjunct Faculty, Humanities and Media Studies, Diablo Valley College:
Introduction to Mass Communications, Film History, Introduction to Film
(January 2020 – present)

Adjunct Faculty, Hutchins School of Liberal Arts, Sonoma State University:
LIBS320 series: Upper division courses in liberal arts for teachers
(August 2019 – June 2020)

Adjunct Honors Faculty, Humanities (online & on campus), Foothill College:
Ex Machina: The Paradox of Being Human in the Digital Age, Global Religions: Contemporary, The Modern World, Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas: The Contemporary World, World Myths in Literature and Arts
(September 2017 – 2024)

Faculty & SME (Subject Matter Expert), Media, Social Justice, Diversity, Communications, Adler University:
Online- Graduate Course development and curriculum design (M.A. in Media and Communications)
Online-Teaching—User Behavior Effects, Cyber Journalism, Multimedia Studies
(January 2016 – June 2017)

Adjunct Faculty & SME, Doctoral Program in Humanities & Culture, Union Institute & University:
Visual Culture, New Media & Social Change, Engaging Difference
(January 2009 – December 2011)

Associate Professor (Adjunct), Language Arts Division, College of San Mateo:
Introduction to Film, Film History, Screenwriting, American Culture/Cinema, Digital Experimental Filmmaking, Film Noir, World Cinema, Middle Eastern Cinema
(June 2001 – August 2010)

Lecturer, Cinema Department, San Francisco State University:
Introduction to Cinema Studies, Critical Studies
(May 2001 – December 2001)


General manager/Producer, Independent Media Producers (A Division of
Quintessential Media Inc.)

Producing audio visual programs, organizing professional meetings and events, managing
the day to day operation of the company
(January 1990 – June 2001)


New Apollo: Achieving Critical AI Literacy
Work in Progress

Meditations on Resistance: An Inquiry into AI, Critical Media Literacy, and Social Justice
Editor and Contributor, May 2024, Peter Lang publishing
ISBN: 978-1-636-6733-49

Movies Change Lives: Toward a Pedagogy of Humanistic Transformation
January, 2016, Peter Lang Publishing,
ISBN: 978-1-4331-2773-1

Lost in Media: Ethics of Everyday Life
Co-editor and Contributor, May 2013 Peter Lang Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4331-1367-8

Hollywood’s Exploited: Corporate Movies, Public Pedagogy and Cultural Crisis
Co-editor and Contributor, December 2010 Palgrave MacMillan Press
ISBN 978-0-230-62199-2

Deconstructing the Mystique: An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Cinema
Kendall/Hunt Publishing
2 nd Edition, 2009 ISBN 978-0-7575-6023-1
1 st Edition, 2005 ISBN 0-7575-1940-7

Papers in Journals and Chapters in Books

Critical Media Literacy (chapter)
3 Volume Handbook of Critical Pedagogy, Sage Publication. (peer-reviewed)
Recipient of the 2022 American Educational Studies Association Critics’ Choice Book Award

Ethics of Criticism in the Age of New Media
World Futures Journal of General Evolution. (Under peer review)
The Transformative Intellectual: an examination of Henry Giroux’s ethics
Policy Futures in Education, Sage Journals, Volume 10, Number 6, 2012 (peer-reviewed)

Hollywood and Nonhuman Animals: Problematic Ethics of Corporate Cinema.
Chapter in Hollywood’s Exploited: Corporate Movies, Public Pedagogy and Cultural Crisis
2010, Palgrave MacMillan Press ISBN 978-0-230-62199-2 (peer-reviewed)

Hollywood’s Cinema of Ableism: A Disability Studies Perspective on the Hollywood.
Chapter in Hollywood’s Exploited: Corporate Movies, Public Pedagogy and Cultural Crisis
2010, Palgrave MacMillan Press ISBN 978-0-230-62199-2 (peer-reviewed)

Dissident Cinema: Defying the Logic of Globalization. Chapter in Global Studies Association
2007 Annual Book, 2008. Changemaker Press (peer-reviewed) .

Papers in Global Electronic Sites

Teaching Cinema for Transformation
Published July, 2014

Bob Dylan and the Ethics of Market Fascism
Published February, 2014

300: Proto-fascism and Manufacturing of Complicity Published April, 2007
Under review at Film Quarterly

Complex Cinema: Becoming Dissident Cinema Published January, 2007

The Truman Show: Cinema of Active Imagination. A Jungian Analysis.
CG Jung Center Published July, 2005Translated to French & published in Les Cahiers
Jungiens de Psychanalyse, France, 2007ISBN 9782915781137

Hollywood an Agent of Hegemony: The War Film
Alternative Press Review (August 2004)
Dissident Voice ( August 2004)
Translated to Polish & published in Kultura popularna Journal, Poland, 2005
Translated to Farsi & Published in Golestaneh Scholarly Journal, Iran, 2007

Faces of Islam: Debunking Orientalism, Why I am not a terrorist
College Newspaper: College of San Mateo (April 2004)

Digital Media: Two Emerging Philosophies
Cinema Trade: Monthly Magazine in Tehran, Iran (April 2003 issue)


Featured Speaker & Moderator
Inclusive Dialogues: A Panel Discussion on Race, Gender, and the Journey to Equality
Conference at De Anza College (June 6, 2024)

Featured Speaker: AI in the Classroom
Student Success Conference at University of California Los Angeles (November 9, 2023)

Keynote Speaker: Owl Hacks Hackathon and Conference
Foothill College (November 18, 2022)

Featured Speaker: AI, Neoliberalism, and the Human Condition in the 21 st Century
O.P. Jindal Global University, India (May 11, 2022)

Featured Speaker: Digital Humanities
University of San Francisco Mellon Scholars Conference (April 23, 2022)

Featured Speaker: The Singularity is Now Conference by FHDA Center for Applied
[Lecture delivered: AI and Social Justice in an age of Neo-Liberalism]
Foothill College (November 5, 2021)

TED Speaker: TEDx Brandman in Irvine, California
Cinema for Solidarity & Social Justice (May 11, 2021)

Guest Speaker: 2020 Active Learning Leaders Teaching Conference
[Lecture delivered: Teaching AI via AI]
Palomar College (January 25, 2020)
Featured Speaker: Critical Media Literacy

Guest Speaker: 2016 Active Learning Leaders Teaching Conference
[Lecture delivered: Learning Semiotics: teaching Critical Media Literacy Through Dialogic
Palomar College (October 29, 2016)

Featured Speaker: Movies Change Lives
Arts & Lecture Series for Santa Rosa College District (February 22, 2016)

Guest Speaker/Panelist: Iran: Enemy or Friend
Santa Rosa Junior College (October 17, 2014)

Guest Speaker: Argosy University, Speaker Series
Ethics and Cinema (August 8, 2013)

Guest Speaker/Panelist, Engaging the Other: The Power of Compassion. Common Bond
Institute, 5 th Annual Conference at Sonoma State University
Presentation: The representation of Muslims in the West and Cultural Transformation
(November 20, 2010)

Guest Speaker/Panelist, Modern Media Dialogue Series at Sonoma State University
Neoliberalism and the Media
February 10, 2010

Guest Speaker/Panelist, Diversity in Action Group at College of San Mateo
Palestine/Israel: Conflict with Global Implications
Film Screening (Occupation 101), analysis, and Dialogue (May, 2009)

Guest Lecturer, Union University EdD Program
Media and Media Culture

Lecturer, Radical Philosophy Association Eight Biennial Conference,
San Francisco State University.
Presentation: “Cinema For Transformation: Towards a Pedagogy of Social Change”
(November, 2008)

Lecturer, Women Studies Department, San Francisco State University.
Lecture Series in Feminisim.
Presentation: “Representation of Women in Hollywood: Backlash against Feminism since
Reaganism” (October, 2008)

Lecturer, Global Studies Annual Conference, UC Irvine.
Contested Terrains of Globalization.

Presentation: “Experimental Cinema of Complexity, The Internet and Their Global
Implications” (May 2007)

Lecturer, CCHA Pacific-Western Division, Annual Conference, Los Angeles.
Paper Delivered, “Mississipi Masala: An Inquiry into Meaning of Home” (November 2006)

Lecturer, College of San Mateo, “The Year of Languages” Conference, Paper Delivered,
“Cross-cultural Communications” (April 2005)

Lecturer, State University NY, Binghamton, NY, “Literature, Film and War” Paper Delivered,
“Hollywood and Hegemony” (March 2004)

Lecturer, College of San Mateo, “Faces of Islam” Conference
Paper Delivered, “Debunking Orientalism: I am not a Terrorist” (March 2004)

Lecturer, CCHA Pacific-Western Division, Annual Conference, San Francisco. Paper
Delivered, “Changing Focus: Teaching Film in the 21st Century” at “Rewriting the City”
(November 2002)

Lecturer, University of Dramatic Arts, Tehran, Iran:
Paper Delivered, “American Media, Past, Present, Future” (August 2002)

Lecturer, Department of Cinema, San Francisco State University:
Paper Delivered, “The Unveiling of New Iranian Cinema” at “ID VIP, 2001” symposium

Lecturer, House of Cinema Festival, Tehran, Iran:
Paper Delivered, “Third World Cinema in the West” (July 2000)

Lecturer, Department of Cinema, San Francisco State University:
Paper Delivered, “Post-modernism and the Digital Technology” at “Changing Frame”
symposium 2000



KRCB 91.1 & 90.9 FM (public radio/ NPR)

Conversation with Daedalus Howell, CS Media Labs (on critical media literacy)

Conversation with Daedalus Howell, CS Media Labs (on philosophy, cinema, and politics)

Truthout Interviews featuring Tony Kashani on Bob Dylan and Market Fascism

Topics in Ethics, Union Institute & University Doctoral Program

Conversation with Koorosh Ostowari, Integral Teacher, Union Institute & University Doctoral

KCSM (Public Television) San Mateo, California. March 28, 2011, Topic: State of Education
in California. Program: Bay Today.

KCSM (Public Television) San Mateo, California. May 14, 2010, Topic: Profile of exceptional
Professor. Program: Bay Today.

KPFA 94.1 FM, (Public Radio) Berkeley, California. January 29, 2007, Topic: Cinema &
Ideology. Program: Against the Grain –


Scholar Member of Cultural Studies Association –
Scholar Member of Global Studies Association (North America) –
Scholar Member of Radical Philosophy Association –
Scholar Member of The Freire Project –
Co-Director of Modern Media Dialogue Project at Hutchins School of Liberal Arts, Sonoma
State University

Shamlou the Planetary Poet, Work in Progress
An Imperial Message, 1999 (short based on Kafka’s story)
Mercury Retrograde, 1998 (Feature Film Noir)

Farsi/Persian (fluent written and spoken)
Turkish/Azerbaijani (fluent spoken)

Provided Upon Request

Conversation with Daedalus Howell, CS Media Labs (on critical media literacy)

Conversation with Daedalus Howell, CS Media Labs (on philosophy, cinema, and politics)

Truthout Interviews featuring Tony Kashani on Bob Dylan and Market Fascism

Topics in Ethics, Union Institute & University Doctoral Program

Conversation with Koorosh Ostowari, Integral Teacher, Union Institute & University Doctoral Program