Dr. Tony Kashani
Tony Kashani, Ph.D. is an Iranian-American author, educator and cultural critic.
He holds a Ph.D. degree in Humanities with emphasis on culture studies from
California Institute of Integral Studies.
Kashani is the author of five books on media; Deconstructing the Mystique, (2005, 2009, Kendall/Hunt Press),
Hollywood’s Exploited: Public Pedagogy, Corporate Movies, and Cultural Studies (2010, Palgrave/MacMillan Press),
Lost in Media: Ethics of Everyday Life (2013, Peter Lang Press) and Movies Change Lives:
A Pedagogy of Humanistic Transformation (Peter Lang Press, 2016).
Kashani is a subject matter expert and faculty for a number of universities in the United States,
focusing his interdisciplinary scholarship and pedagogy on media and social justice.